Quick and Easy Yeast Bread Recipe!

If you could make your own bread in less than two hours for less than a dollar a loaf would you? I prefer my bread to be both fresh and soft but that wan't always what I ended up paying for. With a simple quick and easy recipe (no bread machine needed) you can avoid not so fresh bread, expensive prices and unwanted ingredients. Plus you get healthy fresh bread, bakery filled home and more money back in your pocket. With a little time and a few ingredients you will be enjoying your own homemade bakery fresh bread from your very own oven.


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DIY Candle Wax Autism Awareness Puzzle Piece Tarts! {2 Ways}

Who doesn't love making their home smell wonderful, especially when guests come over? Everyone I know does, I bet you do too. Whether it be a regular old day or special occasion, I love filling my entire home with different scented wax tarts. Anyone with a warmer knows that pre-bought wax can be quite pricey. My 'go to' mold is the puzzle piece in honor of my daughter with autism. Not only do they bring an amazing scent to fill my home but spreading autism awareness. In my family, ‘all the pieces fit’! Below you will find all the details of how to make your own wax tarts from scratch and from using other candles as well.

Discounts For Teachers! {20 Ways}

Many do not realize but teachers spend their own money stocking their supplies and putting together wonderful crafts. It all adds up but they can take some of that hard earned money back. Each of the retailers below wants to honor our teachers with a nice discount just because they appreciate all they do. If you are a teacher put this list to use and save some money creating all your awesome ideas. If you know a teacher that just doesn't know when to quit spending money on their students, pass this list on them and help them save.

FREE Pics2Mov iOS App! {Save $4.99}

With Pics2Mov, anyone can make a cool video easily and quickly. When your precious memories are too good to be kept as a still photo, when you want to share your everyday events as single themed memories, and when you want to keep your loving child’s memories as they grow, have a go at making an HD video with various music. You can share your precious moments using their easy and concise interface.