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Retro Owl Earrings + Crystal Owl Necklace ONLY $2.59 SHIPPED!

This is such a beautiful owl jewelry set. I cannot get enough of owls, you could say I am a fanatic. Coming across this sweet deal I just had to share. Right now and who knows for how long, you can score this set for ONLY $2.59 SHIPPED!

*Price is subject to change at anytime. Please see your total before checking out.

DISCLAIMER:This post does contain affiliate links.

Thousands of FREE eBooks! *Categorized*

Did you know that you do not need a Kindle to read all the books there are to offer? You can not only view on the traditional Kindle, but on your own computer, iPhone, or iPad! Simply download the Free Kindle app in iTunes to view your eBooks on your iPhone or iPad. To view on your computer, you can send your Books directly to Amazon Cloud Player. No Kindle required! Now that you know, here are a bunch of Free eBooks to take advantage of. Not only are they FREE but they've been categorized just for you!!

FREE Full Length Movies on YouTube! {New Selections}

Why pay when you can watch movies for free where ever YouTube is available! Full Length Movies with No Downloading Required! There is something for everyone!
Click Here To Get This Offer!

FREE 41 Valentine's Day Crafts eBook!

When it comes to telling someone how much you love them, there's no better way to do it than to give them something you made yourself.  From a simple handmade Valentine's Day card to a batch of chocolate chip cookies, there's nothing that won't impress a loved one if you've taken the time to make it yourself.  Lucky for you, FAVECRAFTS has gathered up 41 fantastic Valentine's Day crafts that are perfect for giving to sweeties, crushes, friends, and family. Simply follow the link below to download your free PDF eBook.

Bacon & Spinach Stuffed Steak Roll-Ups Recipe!

When combining meats together you can't go wrong. Well, maybe you can but not in this delicious recipe. Being married to a steak lover and personally having a weakness for bacon I couldn't resist combining the two. With this recipe you can enjoy your love for both meats and not break your budget or diet. They are so very easy to make too! Below you will find out all you need to make these scrumptious roll-ups yourself.

Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in a nation of freedom and justice for all. He to this day encourages citizens to live up to the purpose and potential of America by applying the principles of nonviolence to make this country a better place to live. On this day, Americans of every age and background celebrate Dr. King through projects that strengthen communities, empower individuals, bridge barriers, create solutions, raise awareness and most of all - brings us closer together.

FREE Ava Photo {Perfect Selfie Editor} iOS App!

Ava Photo is a chic & modern way to naturally enhance your beauty and share your special moments. Touch up selfies on your iPhone with the easiest-to-use photo editing app, Ava Photo. Feel confident sharing every picture you take when you use Ava Photo, your one stop app. In just one-click, naturally remove any skin imperfections including smoothing skin, removing blemishes and dark circles as well as adding filters specifically designed for portraits. Choose from 5 Levels of Beautification to get the look you want and control the intensity of each effect, so that it suits your personality and style.