FREE Pizza Hut Book-It Program For Public School and Homeschool Students!

Sign your student(s) up for the 2019-2020 Homeschool and Public Book-It reading program. BOOK IT! motivates children to read by rewarding their reading accomplishments with praise, recognition and pizza. The program is simple, flexible, fun and free to use in your classroom! BOOK IT! was created in 1984 and currently reaches more than 14 million students and 37,000 K-6 grade schools annually. Follow the link below to sign your student(s) up for this wonderful free program!


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Discounts For Teachers! {20 Ways}

Many do not realize but teachers spend their own money stocking their supplies and putting together wonderful crafts. It all adds up but they can take some of that hard earned money back. Each of the retailers below wants to honor our teachers with a nice discount just because they appreciate all they do. If you are a teacher put this list to use and save some money creating all your awesome ideas. If you know a teacher that just doesn't know when to quit spending money on their students, pass this list on them and help them save.