Every single time I enter my local library I am taken away with endless possibilities of what to explore. I have been an avid book reader my entire life. The way a book can take you into a new world and completely immerse you in it. The smell of the printed pages bound in glorious covers sorted from shelf to shelf. I have never been able to quite get enough. I make it appoint to go to the library as often as I can and would spend all day there if I could.

No matter what is going on in your life, you can escape with just a book. Everyone needs an escape from time to time. It's healthy for your body, mind, and soul. For those of you who love to read just like I do, get down to the library. Check out some books whether they're fiction, how-to, history, science fiction, romance, and more, they have you covered. You can find pretty much anything your looking for there and loads of books that you never thought would find you. Reading is such an important part of life, why not enjoy it for free. While your are there, check and see if your library also has a movie section many stock up to the latest new releases. Whether I am gathering a pile of books or preparing for a movie night with the family (or mom flicks relax time), I love to check out my local library where everything is free!