Free App & Free Card Reader! Get Paid Anywhere!

Free App & Free Card Reader! 
Get Paid Anywhere!
Getting started with Pay Anywhere couldn't be easier. Just download the free app from the App Store or Android Market, set up your account, and you'll receive a free card reader that's small enough to fit in your pocket or your purse. So sign-up today and start accepting credit cards on your iPhone, Android, or iPad.
They don't require you to process a minimum amount each month and there are no hidden fees: setup, monthly or cancellation fees. It really is that simple - no surprises.
Credit card data doesn't get stored on the phone, the app or the terminal. As soon as the card is swiped or keyed, credit card data is certified to be at the highest level of compliance to ensure that your customer's information remains safe. And unlike other processors, they'll set you up with your own unique account. 
No more turning away credit cards at garage sales!
Get that money your friend borrowed on the spot!