What a great way to save money on your reading material by going here. Plus for kids ages 14 and under earn a $5 Gift Card just for reading just 15 each day throughout the summer!
Your child can earn a FREE movie ticket from National Amusements Theaters when they read a book and complete a book report.
Sign up and get a FREE starter Kit that includes a copy of Junie B Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus, Activity sheets and a membership ID card while supplies last.
Sylvan offers this FREE reading incentive program. Basically your child reads books and then takes a simple comprehension quiz to make sure they understood what they read. The quiz is usually about 10 questions long. They earn points based on how much they remember from reading the book. There are hundreds of books to choose from in all reading levels. These are common books that can be found at your local library. Once they have earned enough points they can trade them in for some really neat prizes!
This summer reading program through Barnes & Noble gives your child the ability to earn a FREE book after reading 8 books and keeping track of them in a reading log.
Your local library most likely is offering some awesome events, programs and even prizes this summer just for reading their free books.
Read and keep track of 10 books this summer and your child will get $10 added to their Young Saver Account FREE! Get them saving early and for free.
Chuck E. Cheese - (Not Available Yet)
Earn 10 FREE tokens every time your child reads for 2 weeks in a row. Just fill out the form and bring it in to claim your free token. Free games and prizes!!
Log in your reading minutes to the Scholastic site and your child will be able to participate in a World Record challenge as well as earn digital prizes!
Pottery Barn Summer Reading Challenge – (Not Available Yet)
Open only to children under 10 years of age on any day during the promotion period. Must present completed Award-Winning or Early Reader book list to receive a free book at participating Pottery Barn Kids stores.
HEB Summer Reading Program - (Through 10/1/15)
Check back from time to time TEXAS RESIDENTS ONLY qualify for their child to receive a Free HEB Reading Buddy T-Shirt bookmarks and more just by reading a certain amount of books. All you do is print the form they provide, fill it out with the books your child has read and mail it to them. Your kiddos freebies will arrive a few weeks after!
**Please comment below if you know of any companies offering a Summer Reading Program that are not on this list.
**Please comment below if you know of any companies offering a Summer Reading Program that are not on this list.