It's that time of year again. Everywhere you look in stores you find chocolate and stuffed bunnys but lets not forget the endless amounts of toys, candy, and more. Where to start... where to start... You would think that would make it easier to pick out gifts but it only makes things worse. To much stuff can be majorly overwhelming. To help you calmly get started, below you will find tons of ideas to help make that Easter basket perfect.

- Stuffed Bunny
- Bible
- Custom Letter from the Easter Bunny (FREE)
- Lolly Pops
- Bouncy Ball
- Koosh Ball
- Kaleidoscope
- Rubix Cube
- Deck of Cards
- Sports Cards
- Slinky
- Yo-Yo
- Doll
- Bathtub crayons
- Jump rope
- Chalk
- Bubbles
- Crayons
- Pencils
- Printable mazes
- Dry erase crayons
- Watercolors
- Stickers
- Squirt guns
- Water balloons
- Frisbee
- Card game
- Books
- CDs/DVDs
- Stuffed animals
- Swim goggles
- Sand toys
- Coloring books
- Kite
- Ball
- Watch
- Cape
- Tiara
- Scepter
- Bunny ears
- Foam shapes or stickers
- Glitter Glue
- Magnifying glass
- Applesauce pouches/fruit cups
- Pudding cups
- M&Ms, mini M&Ms
- Bite size candy bars
- Smarties
- Bubble bath
- Sunglasses
- Coin purse/piggy bank
- Crazy Straw
- Cookie Cutters
- Crazy shoelaces
- Mini Marshmallows
- Puzzles
- Seeds for planting in the garden
- Bath toys
- Legos
- Nerf gun
- Cup
- Calculator
- Socks/underwear
- Sunscreen
- Squirt bottle
- Comb
- Yarn balls
- Flashlight
- Print your own goodies for FREE
- Umbrella
- Play-Doh
- Silly putty

- Candles
- Loofah
- Water bottle
- Apron
- Bookmark
- Travel Size Hand Sanitizer
- Makeup
- Lotion
- Hair Product
- Gift cards
- Shaving Cream
- Razor
- Perfume/Cologne
- Wallet
- Socks
- Board Games
- Stationary
- Clothes
- Jewelry
- Sunglasses
- Nail Polish
- Movie tickets
- Journal
- Magazine
- Book
- Frisbee
- Snacks
- Giant Chocolate Bunny
- Scriptures
- Pictures in a frame
- Headphones
- Hair gel
- *When all else fails = Cash