When your about and about with your kid(s) one of the last things you would want to happen is have them getting out of their safety seat. Beltlock is designed to prevent kids from opening the seat belt securing the child's car seat. Beltlock is designed to be strong, durable, visible in the car, easy to fit and easy to remove with a key by an adult. Beltlock offers peace of mind when traveling with kids.

The Beltlock was extremely easy to install. Once in place, the Beltlock completely locked down the option to press the seat belt release button. Let's face it, kiddos are very clevor. My daughter is for sure but in this case I am not willing to find out. Knowing my daughter is secure in her car seat and letting her imagination run wild without risking her safety is wonderful. When I need to take her seat out, the Beltlock is easy to remove with just using a key.
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