Free "Strange Happenings: Leprechaun Tales" eBook for Kids!

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"Strange Happenings: Leprechaun Tales by Julian Coppola- Zahavi" eBook!
About the eBook:
The town of " Strange Happenings" is thrown upside down when a mysterious green
leprechaun appears and casts a variety of strange and hilarious spells.
Watch as Jasper, Lulu, Bobby Green and many others struggle to piece their town back together.
This collection of children’s stories is complete with fire breathing dragons, baffled giant cookies,
sharks on land, talking teddy bears, and many other strange adventures!
“ Strange Happenings” is the perfect addition to story-time in the classroom and at home.
Featured stories include, Jasper and the Golden Pot for Stew, Lulu and the Leaping Leprechaun,
Cookies are Yummy, Bobby’s Birthday at Aunt Lily’s Place, and more!
These fun engaging stories are great to read aloud to younger audiences!
Strange Happenings: Leprechaun Tales makes the perfect St. Patrick's Day gift!