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and more, depending on the item it will either be mailed or emailed!!
No first come first served hurried rush to be included.
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Kre-O sent me this item at complete surprise.
Here is what the paper shown above says:
Greetings KRE-O Nation member!
New KRE-O BATTLESHIP building sets are in stores now! To celebrate the lauch and as a thank-you for being a loyal member of KRE-O Nation, enclosed is a free KRE-O BATTLESHIP Battle Boat set and coupon good for $5 off any KRE-O purchase of $20 or more! With 26 pieces including a Navy sailor and a bazooka, the Battle Boat may be small but it's got enough firepower to handle any alien in its way. We hope you enjoy it and spread the word about the cool new KRE-O BATTLESHIP building sets to all your friends.
KRE-O BATTLESHIP building toys let you take on the incoming alien race on land, air, and sea. This new collection includes five building sets, ranging from the rugged Land Defense, to the swift Combat Chopper, to the mighty flagship U.S.S. Missouri. Find them at your retail store.
And remember to check out KRE-O.com for all the latest KRE-O promotions, games, and other stuff!
One Nation. Bricks for All.
Your friends at KRE-O
If you would like to be included in such promotional offers as this,
simply sign up and they will do the rest!
*Most promotional offers simply just show up in the mail as a nice surprise!